
If you’re looking for Debbie Duncan the Californian who writes children’s books, book reviews, KQED Perspectives, and such, you’ve landed on the right page. (I am not Debbie Duncan the Minneapolis jazz singer. Sorry! I understand she’s terrific.)

Book cover containing pink phone handsetI am the author or co-author of five books and more than 50 Perspectives and other essays. I have plenty of information on the books page about all my books, including anthologies I contributed to and, of course, my QED sealed eBook, Caller Number Nine, and the Benjamin Franklin Award winner, When Molly Was in the Hospital: A book for brothers and sisters of hospitalized children.

All of my KQED Perspectives, from 1997 to the present, are here. You can find me, and follow me, on Twitter, or write to me by email or from my contact page. Thanks for stopping by!